Even the unlucky among us can find someone who is a lot more unlucky than we are. I did not have to go further than my favourite other blog to find lots of 'someones'.
Lori is a member of an MS Community group where I hang out a lot. She is in need of some relief from her MS - she is in a lot more need than some of us. Below is Lori's plight as told by her son. Give it some thought, folks. Then, if you can spare even a few dollars, please go to this site and drop it off.
a letter my son sent to local newsman--I am sitting here crying thinking about the letter my son sent to a local news agency
I am sitting here crying thinking about the letter my son sent to a local news agency in an attempt to help me. I love him so much.
Well, a few years ago my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis after she went to the doctor for what she thought was nothing, the tip
of her finger going numb. It's been like.. five years and since then she
has gradually gotten worse and worse with each year. Today it takes all
her strength to get up in the morning and get my little brother up for
school. She makes like, one dollar too much to qualify for disability,
and she's planning on trying to make it until the first of the year to
quit her job, leaving her with the uncertainty of if disability will be
enough to support us. It's her, my twelve year old brother and I. We
live in a single-wide trailer in the community she manages, Ontario
Place, on Ontario Road here in Niles.
She's been on so many different medications to try and slow the spread of MS. She is on baclofen for her neuropathy and circulatory
problems, methylphenate for the narcoleptic bouts, lortabs for the pain
and they don't even touch it anymore, and takes at least ten different
vitamins every day. She took a shot every other night of this stuff
called Rebif, an interferon injection that supposedly slowed the MS from
attacking her immune system. She took it for the last three years until
her body began to reject the shots and knots formed all over her body
until she ran out of injection points. She tries to be strong but at
least two or three times a week she breaks down from it all and I have
to console her like she used to do for me.
I have taken upon myself all the "motherly" tasks. Every day I wake up and make coffee for her, I mop, I scrub, I cook, I clean, I do all
the laundry, I vacuum, I help my brother study, I make sure that she's
doing as decently as she can and do everything I possibly can for her.
We barely scrape by. I'm a college student at Southwestern Michigan
College, and I'm pursuing my BA in Information Technology/Help Desk. I
don't know how we stay alive but we do, mostly because I get my strength
from watching my mother fight these battles every day. I and my brother
have healthcare through my dad and his new wife, but my mom has no
healthcare insurance and doesn't qualify for any of it or can't afford
any of the options out there.
Every day she sits up at her computer, on Facebook, playing Farmville. My friends poke fun at Farmville players but I see it as my
mom's only escape from the prison that is her body. When she isn't
playing Farmville she's researching MS therapies and treatments, and
that's why I have come to you. There is a treatment that has been
popping up all over the world called CCSVI. To my understanding from her
and how she has a hard time speaking the thoughts in her head, it's the
theory that the difficulties brought on by MS are due to a lack of
blood flow to the brain, and the treatment is essentially opening up the
main artery to the brain and putting a stent in it to increase the
blood flow. She has spoken with hundreds of people that have had it or
know someone who has had it, and while the process doesn't always
alleviate the symptoms, most of the time it does.
So she has been asking them how they find the money. A majority of them are Canadian and the Canadian government has banned the procedure
until more research can be done. Every day people with MS are marching
up to parliament about it until they revoke it, meanwhile going to the
US or Mexico or even as far off to India to pay out of pocket for the
procedure. Fundraisers have been suggested, and we've all seen the gas
station "Save my daughter who has been diagnosed with leukemia" change
jars with 43 cents in them. But one story stood out. A woman went to her
local news stations and told them her story, and one of them picked it
up as a public relations/human interest story.
All I can really ask you is what she asked me to type up and send to you. This is our story, and if you could pass it along to someone at
WSBT who might take interest in it, we would like to ask if WSBT could
fund this procedure, in return we will give you the right to tell our
story, come into our home and see who we are, the battle she fights
every day. Film the procedure and her progress, let the world know about
this new treatment that millions of suffering people around the world
are coming together to call MS Liberation. I know it's a lot to ask, but
I figure I could either give it a shot or just sit here and watch her
Well, a few years ago my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis after she went to the doctor for what she thought was nothing, the tip
of her finger going numb. It's been like.. five years and since then she
has gradually gotten worse and worse with each year. Today it takes all
her strength to get up in the morning and get my little brother up for
school. She makes like, one dollar too much to qualify for disability,
and she's planning on trying to make it until the first of the year to
quit her job, leaving her with the uncertainty of if disability will be
enough to support us. It's her, my twelve year old brother and I. We
live in a single-wide trailer in the community she manages, Ontario
Place, on Ontario Road here in Niles.
She's been on so many different medications to try and slow the spread of MS. She is on baclofen for her neuropathy and circulatory
problems, methylphenate for the narcoleptic bouts, lortabs for the pain
and they don't even touch it anymore, and takes at least ten different
vitamins every day. She took a shot every other night of this stuff
called Rebif, an interferon injection that supposedly slowed the MS from
attacking her immune system. She took it for the last three years until
her body began to reject the shots and knots formed all over her body
until she ran out of injection points. She tries to be strong but at
least two or three times a week she breaks down from it all and I have
to console her like she used to do for me.
I have taken upon myself all the "motherly" tasks. Every day I wake up and make coffee for her, I mop, I scrub, I cook, I clean, I do all
the laundry, I vacuum, I help my brother study, I make sure that she's
doing as decently as she can and do everything I possibly can for her.
We barely scrape by. I'm a college student at Southwestern Michigan
College, and I'm pursuing my BA in Information Technology/Help Desk. I
don't know how we stay alive but we do, mostly because I get my strength
from watching my mother fight these battles every day. I and my brother
have healthcare through my dad and his new wife, but my mom has no
healthcare insurance and doesn't qualify for any of it or can't afford
any of the options out there.
Every day she sits up at her computer, on Facebook, playing Farmville. My friends poke fun at Farmville players but I see it as my
mom's only escape from the prison that is her body. When she isn't
playing Farmville she's researching MS therapies and treatments, and
that's why I have come to you. There is a treatment that has been
popping up all over the world called CCSVI. To my understanding from her
and how she has a hard time speaking the thoughts in her head, it's the
theory that the difficulties brought on by MS are due to a lack of
blood flow to the brain, and the treatment is essentially opening up the
main artery to the brain and putting a stent in it to increase the
blood flow. She has spoken with hundreds of people that have had it or
know someone who has had it, and while the process doesn't always
alleviate the symptoms, most of the time it does.
So she has been asking them how they find the money. A majority of them are Canadian and the Canadian government has banned the procedure
until more research can be done. Every day people with MS are marching
up to parliament about it until they revoke it, meanwhile going to the
US or Mexico or even as far off to India to pay out of pocket for the
procedure. Fundraisers have been suggested, and we've all seen the gas
station "Save my daughter who has been diagnosed with leukemia" change
jars with 43 cents in them. But one story stood out. A woman went to her
local news stations and told them her story, and one of them picked it
up as a public relations/human interest story.
All I can really ask you is what she asked me to type up and send to you. This is our story, and if you could pass it along to someone at
WSBT who might take interest in it, we would like to ask if WSBT could
fund this procedure, in return we will give you the right to tell our
story, come into our home and see who we are, the battle she fights
every day. Film the procedure and her progress, let the world know about
this new treatment that millions of suffering people around the world
are coming together to call MS Liberation. I know it's a lot to ask, but
I figure I could either give it a shot or just sit here and watch her
If you want to read more about the situation MS patients are suffering through, the welcome mat is out at