Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Quebec National Assembly online Petition for Quebec citizens

January 26, 2011

Do You Know Anyone Who Lives in Quebec?
A definite case of what is good for Quebec is good for all of Canada!
January 30, 2011- Correction -Everyone in Canada can sign this online petition.

There is a treatment for MS that relieves some – all of the MS Symptoms. The various governments in Canada are very slow to allow it to be done on MS patients even though this procedure is done for people needing dialysis all the time. The procedure is not new! Using it to relieve MS is new.
Petition on the Quebec National Assembly to recognize the Zamboni method for CCSVI (blocked veins).

The Quebec National Assembly has an online Petition for Quebec citizens for the Zamboni method. All Quebec residents can electronically sign this petition.Indeed, all Canadian citizens can sign it.
Quebecers: Please do so!!!! Ontario residents: Please let your friends and relatives in Quebec aware of this petition and encourage them to sign. Sign it yourself. Translations for the form are below for those who need them

Process to recognize the effectiveness of the method Zamboni in the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Pétition :
Processus visant à reconnaître l'efficacité de la méthode Zamboni dans le traitement de la sclérose en plaques

 Please! Please! Let your Quebecois friends and relatives know about this site and Please! Please! encourage them to sign this petition. Please, if you are Canadian, sign it yourself.If they win this fight in Quebec, it will bring it closer to home for the rest of us and act like one huge bullet for us in this war to bring this treatment home to every province. Below is a note from Eric Tremblay with translations for those who need it.

From Eric
Everyone in Canada can sign this online petition. The steps are very simple and quick. Fill in your info which translate to the following:

Nom = Last Name
Prénom = First Name
Ville = City
Province/État =
Pays = Country
Code postal = Postal Code
Courriel = Email
Confirmez votre courriel = Confirm Email

Then just write the code into the blank box to the right.
You will then click on the ENVOYEZ LE FORMULAIRE which simply means to submit the form.

You will then get an email and then your simply click of the confirmation link to finally submit and validate your signature.

Thank you to everyone who takes a moment to do this.Let's try and get somewhere in Canada finally liberate Canadians. I still can't believe we need to fight to get this…

Very Sincerely
MS DragonSlayer

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